Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lil Miss Perfect

My evenings sometimes consist of letting go of the remote and letting my wife watch trash. Tonight she was watching another one of those shows that follow little pageant girls and their parents in a pursuit of perfection. I have a very important list of what is very wrong with this crud.
1. This is a child molester's dream. They can just turn on the tube and watch these parents whore out their girls. Why not put them in a two piece bathing suit and tell them that they need to loose just a little bit of weight. I mean c'mon, you 4 years old, it is about time to watch your carb intake.
2. Most of these parents have a lot of issues themselves. They are not the attractive ones and it seems they want acceptance through pimping out their children.
3. 'I like being in pageants, they are very fun and I like them a lot' is what these poor girls say. Sure, and I can convince my lil bit that bending a paper clip and sticking it in electrical outlets can be very fun. C'mon lil bit, the 110 volts get easier to handle the more you do it, stop being such a baby!
4. In college I dated a girl that was made to enter those pageants. She was so messed up in the head 10 years later I felt really scared breaking up with her when I did because I was really scared she might take her own life (no joke, and luckily she didn't).
The point I am making is that this is child abuse that is celebrated in our society. I can't even watch these shows. I know first-hand what happens to these girls when they grow up. Oh, I am sorry, they are already grown up.
*DISCLAIMER* If you think that child pageants are OK and that I was unfair to attack these parents, screw that, you are sick and need to see a psychiatrist, NOT a therapist, but a doctor that can prescribe heavy doses of medication to you!

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